Friday, March 27, 2009

Phil O'Dendron

I get really tickled when I find a special miniature. I know I'm easily amused but there are some miniatures that just appeal to my sense of humor. This little book by Blue Kitty Miniatures is one of them. When I saw him, I knew he had to come live with me. Isn't he adorable? I named him Phil O'Dendron.
There was quite the mini disturbance when Phil arrived today. I won't go into details, but you can read about it here. I think I have all the scorch marks off the wall and the dragons are sedated.
My hubby usually takes everything in stride but when I told him about the disturbance, he asked if I'd been mixing up my meds again. Okay, so maybe I got a little too involved with my minis today, but damn, it was fun.
I've discovered that minis bring out that side of me. For example, a few weeks ago I was cleaning the living room and needed to move C'est Si Bon off the glass table where she resides. I moved the dolls off the patio first and laid them on the floor under the table so they'd be safe. I cleaned the table to a sparkling shine and replaced the house, totally spacing out that I hadn't put the dolls back. A little while later I was walking thru the living room with my hands full and noticed the dolls laying on the floor. Now I often talk outloud to myself when I make a mental note so I don't forget things. The talking to myself doesn't bother me. However what I said was a bit disconcerting. What did I say?
"You need to pick up your dolls"
I don't think that's something a middle aged woman should be saying to herself.


  1. Hi Deb! I'm Kat, a blog-friend of Casey's. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I think your minis are gorgeous!

  2. Oh and I just spent time drooling over your textile art as well. Breath-taking. Simply breath-taking.

  3. Did you pick up you dolls, lol, love that book, thanks for sharing!

  4. Deb, I just love Phil, although I must admit I was looking for a doll . . . not a plant! LOL!! As always you keep me in stitches . . .
